Active Projects

Holidays For Humanity

When you purchase Cold Gear items such as Hoodies, Crews, and Jackets your contributions will go towards helping the homeless and people in need for the holidays. We're teaming up with non-profit organizations and your contributions will help with the care packages we plan to provide at events. For someone who feels lonely and forgotten the toughest reminder can be the holidays. Together we can help people feel loved and important around the holidays. 

Got Your Back On Tuition

When you purchase Caps, Beanies, Backpacks, and items in our "Extras" section your contributions will go towards new and active college students ability earn money for tuition. We're rewarding young adults that come from tough economic backgrounds and young adults earning good grades whether they're economically challenged or not. We're supporting the youth as they navigate their way forward. Doing what we can do address their biggest issue.. COST. 

People's Vote

We want to work in conjunction with our supporters and together we can make an impact on the world. Our remaining contributions through sales will go towards project(s) voted on by the people. We will allow charitable organizations to submit their needs and allow the people to vote on the project(s). 

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